7/13/2009 11:43:00 PM

Hearts aflutter...

I thought I'd take a shot of this first before I removed it. Most of anything I decide to do with my nails is always 'limited edition'. This is just a very optimistic way of say I dunno how to replicate it. I was feeling particularly happy when I was painting this. All the girly-ness was flooding in right to my fingertips.

Product : MM nail polish - glow and quick
Price : RM18.95 (cheaper during sales)
Colour Code: PK313 and PK 441
Description : 313 is the base milky pink and 441 is this very vibrant fuschia based pink.
Comments: 2 coats of the milky pink is enough to create a nice opaque shade. I added the darker pink hearts the next day after I was sure I wasn't going to mess up the base ( too many bad experiences). Will do the brighter fuschia pink on it's own soon. I think the colour is very flattering and strangely work-friendly. I wear it with short nails for an extra punch. Maybe I'll experiment with a coat of gold shimmer...

I'll explain about the happiness in the next post with pictures. Was trying to type it here but realised that it deserved a post on it's own.

2 opinions:

JHM said...

your nails are very cute!! thanks for following my blog btw!

saintangelius said...

Thankies! You have a great blog! I love japanese magazines but can't afford to buy them all^^

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